Virtual Ashgrove

Welcome to Virtual Ashgrove Adventure! Every day of virtual camp 2020, we posted a new set of fun activities for you to enjoy. From crafts and songs to outdoor skills and games (and of course, snacks in our Ashgrove Cookout At Home Cookbook!), there’s something for everyone.

To help you prepare for Virtual Ashgrove, we’ve compiled a day-by-day supply list of things you’ll want to have on hand to maximize the FUN!  We’ve also created a liquid sunshine activity list for fun stuff to do when we have liquid sunshine so you can continue to have FUN!  Download them through the links above as a PDF.

We look forward to seeing all the fun you are having. We have a special email set up where you can send pictures of you and your family enjoying Ashgrove’s Virtual Adventures When photos are sent, you are giving permission for us to post these pictures (or as many as we can) on our website. (Names and personally identifiable information will NOT be posted.) This will give us the opportunity to continue sharing our fun and friendship, even though we’re apart.

Check out our 2020 photo gallery to see what’s been posted so far!

Welcome to Day One of our Virtual Adventure! Download our Day One Activity PDF and get ready for some summer fun.

Welcome to Day Two of our Virtual Adventure! Download our Day Two Activity PDF and get ready for more fun!

And don’t forget our liquid sunshine activity list, if we get another summer thunderstorm.

Welcome to Day Three of our Virtual Adventure! Download our Day Three Activity PDF and let the fun continue!

Bean stands before a chalkboard reading "Cardinal - mate 4 life - state bird of Va" with papers reading "This is a cardinal nest" and "Why do sharks like salt water?"

Bean stands before a "Make Nature 2nd Nature" chalkboard with a paper reading "Pepper makes you sneeze"

Welcome to Day Four of our Virtual Adventure! Download our Day Four Activity PDF and get ready for a stay-at-home overnight. Don’t forget to film and send us your overnight skits!

Welcome to Day Five of our Virtual Adventure! Download our Day Five Activity PDF then enjoy your weekend.

(And hey, since there are no kapers this year at camp, how about a nostalgic flashback to this Latrine Cleaning How-To presentation at afternoon flag?)

Welcome to Week Two of Ashgrove’s Virtual Adventure! Download our Day Six Activity PDF and let the fun continue. Be sure to check out all the awesome photos people are sending in (and send in your own)!

three campers hold bowls of "edible fire"
Edible Fires

Welcome to Day Seven of our Virtual Adventure! Download our Day Seven Activity PDF and send us your crazy hat pix!

Bean wears a flamingo hat and cool bean t-shirt, holding an oragami frog
Bean Does Oragami

Welcome to Day Eight of our Virtual Adventure! Download our Day Eight Activity PDF and enjoy some football pudding.

girls toss a ziploc bag of pudding
Football Pudding

Welcome to our final day, Day Nine of Ashgrove’s Virtual Adventure! Download our Day Nine Activity PDF and enjoy our traditional farewell to camp, below. We hope to see you again, in-person, next year for Ashgrove 2021, Games & Giggles Galore: Let the Games Begin!